Follow @ProbabilityPuz If you are looking to learn time series analysis, the following are some of the best books in time series analysis. Introductory Time Series with R (Use R!) This is good book to get one started on time series. A nice aspect of this book is that it has examples in R and some of the data is part of standard R packages which makes good introductory material for learning the R language too. That said this is not exactly a graduate level book, and some of the data links in the book may not be valid. Econometrics A great book if you are in an economics stream or want to get into it. The nice thing in the book is it tries to bring out a oneness in all the methods used. Econ majors need to be up-to speed on the grounding mathematics for time series analysis to use this book. Outside of those prerequisites, this is one of the best books on econometrics and time series analysis. Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning (Information Science and Statis...